March 19, 2020

African Safari – where to go

From the wildebeest of Maasai Mara to the gushing water of Victoria Falls, there is no better way to kickstart your holiday than an African safari. The uniqueness of nature, the captivating lakes and waterfalls, and a broad range of national parks are some of the things that will give you a lifetime of memories. So, where can you can go while you are in this magical continent?

African Safari – where to go

There are definitely so many places that you can visit while on a safari. It all depends on your preferences and budget. Some of the best destinations that you must include in your travel itinerary include:

Maasai Mara – Kenya

Do you know that the 8th world is the Wildebeest migration? Well, this massive movement of wildebeests normally takes place annually, between the Maasai Mara National Reserve and Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park. There is no other animal movement in the world like this. It’s a spectacle that involves millions of wildebeests and attracts hundreds of predators.

Flights: Maasai Mara has around 9 airstrips. But if you are flying internationally, you need to book a flight to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport-Nairobi. From here, you can book a domestic flight to the game reserve. Domestic flights normally take less than an hour.

Victoria Falls – Zambia/Zimbabwe

Located on the border separating Zimbabwe and Zambia. Victoria Falls is another world wonder with spectacular views. This waterfall will not feed your eyes but will also test your bravery. You can take a guided tour while cruising on the upper side of the Zambezi River. Apart from the beautiful sunsets and sunrises that it offers, here, you will spot various wildlife in the background. The wealth of animals found here range from lions, elephants, leopards, to impalas among others. Besides that, you can engage in activities such as kayaking and rafting.

Flights: Victoria Falls can be accessed from Robert Gabriel Mugabe international airport in Zimbabwe or Livingstone Airport in Zambia. If you land in Harare, Zimbabwe, then it will take you around one hour or more, depending on the flight. In case you take the Zambia route, you will take almost 3 hours.

Serengeti National Park -Tanzania

Game drives for holidays and honeymoons are always fun here thanks to the vastness and openness of this grassland reserve. Serengeti National Park is abundant with wildlife. Of course, there is the annual wildebeest migration here as well. However, there are still other animals such as elephants, giraffes, hyenas, and zebras.

The sound of chirping birds and wildlife provide tourists with an out of the world experience. The game drives, hot air balloons, and the picturesque sunsets and sunrises are all amazing. To cap it all, you can always take a trip to the nearby Maasai village for an awesome cultural experience.

Flights: Serengeti National park has seven airstrips. However, you first need to land in Arusha Airport (it takes around one hour) or Kilimanjaro International Airport(takes around 1.5 hours) before using a safari airline.

The Kruger National Park

Once you set your feet here, you will be windblown with the sheer size of this national park. Kruger covers almost 2 million hectares of land! This is just an expansive land that is filled with wild animals, resorts, streams, and safari camps.

Kruger is rich in biodiversity hence it’s divided into 5 main vegetation zones. It’s a mixed and beautiful environment that is covered with thick woods, an arid region, as well as flowering trees. To experience nature at its best, the park provides game drives as well as walking safaris. So, you will definitely feel a sense of African safari adventure as you come across lions, monkeys, zebras, buffalos, hippos, and elephants, etc.

Flights: The nearest airport to Kruger National Park is the Kruger – Mpumalanga International Airport. So, when booking flights, you have to first land in Johannesburg International airport then connect using a safari airline. A domestic flight takes less than one hour.

Pyramids of Giza – Egypt

The Pyramids of Giza is where history meets adventure. These are the largest yet oldest pyramids in the complex of Giza pyramid. If you have never gone for a desert safari, then be prepared for this one. These ancient monuments have centuries of history and they are the most famed in the world. They pay homage to the Pharaoh rulers who ruled Egypt. Of the three pyramids, Mycerinus is the smallest and it consists of extremely large and unique blocks of limestone while Chephren found on the southwest side of the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is the biggest and definitely the most famous one.

Apart from the pyramids, the enigmatic monument of Sphinx is another celebrated structure that’s found here. This structure bears some similarities to a lion has the pharaoh’s head.

Flights: the closest airport is located in Cairo -Cairo International Airport. From here, you can use a domestic flight and it will take you an hour or less.

The Bottom Line

Africa is filled with gems and you can’t run out of places to explore during your safari. Whether you are on a leisure holiday, honeymoon, or celebrating an anniversary, this is one of the continents that is rich in natural wealth. There are so many world wonders as well as UNESCO heritage sites. If you are planning to take a safari here, be prepared to be mind blown. Just make sure that you pack or understand all the necessities to make your stay amazing.

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